
We use secure, NHS approved software to provide video consultations safely and effectively for our patients.


We use secure, NHS approved software to provide video consultations
safely and effectively for our patients.

Increase cases of measles

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Measles can spread to other people easily.

Patients who have an appointment to come into the practice should not attend if they have:

  • a fever and a rash; with
  • cold symptoms;
  • or a cough;
  • or red, sore eyes (conjunctivitis)

Please contact the surgery and one of our clinicians will call you back.

For more information on measles, please visit the NHS website.

Medical Certificate


medical certificate

This e-consultation allows you to request a medical certificate (also knows as sick note) from your GP

Before we begin, please can you tell us who this e-consultation is for:

This e-consultation is for myself

This e-consultation is for someone else registered at practice

Please select the statement which best applies to you

I need a medical certificate as I have been off due to Coronavirus

I need a medical certificate (sick note) for other reasons



In line with government guidance, we are providing a standard medical certificate for all COVID-19 related work absences.

Please tap the button below to email a medical certificate to your registered email address.

You’ll need to enter some information on the certificate relating to your absence.

Once completed, you can send this to your employer/institution.




How long have you been off from work?

I have been off for less than 7 days

I have been off for more than 7 days



Is this your first medical certificate for this period of illness?





If you have been absent due to sickness for 7 calendar days or less (including weekends), you do not need a medical certificate from the doctor. You can complete a statement of sickness online.

This means you can tell your employer you are not well enough to work and do not need to provide any further medical evidence.

This is called ‘self-certifying’. You should still be paid the amount of sick pay that’s in your contract.

The practice is entitled to charge for a private medical certificate when the illness has lasted less than 7 days. The cost of this is £20.

Please select one of the following options:

I'd like to complete an online self certificate

I still want a medical certificate from the GP



Please tell us the date you need the medical certificate to start from:



As you have already had Medical Certificate for this illness, you may not need to see your Doctor to receive a subsequent Medical Certificate. Please fill in the form below

Please tell us the date you need the medical certificate to start from:



The Doctor’s note is referred to as a Fit Note. Your GP is entitled to charge you for a Fit Note when the illness has been for 7 days or less. Our fee for this service is £20.

It is not always necessary to visit your Doctor in order to receive a Fit Note.

Please complete the form below.

Sick Note (Fit Note) Request Form - Fee Required
Please tell us the date you need the medical certificate to start from:



